- From what my mentor has told me it sounds like he had plenty of potential that went unused and could've been a big name in the computer industry.
1. Who is your mentor and where do they work? If their workplace does not reflect their expertise, what makes them an expert?
My mentor is Brian Dlugos and he works at LA County Internal Services Department. The ISD is exactly what is sounds like, anything and everything the county needs will be sourced from there rather than private companies.
2. What five questions will you ask them about their background?
- What influenced you to follow the career path that you did?
- If you had the chance to go back and change your career path, would you? And what path would you take?
-Was there a time when you wanted to give up on what you do? How did you deal with it?
- How long did it take you to get to your position? What were some of the struggles along the way?
- Could you use your skills for a slightly different job and would you take that path if you had the time?